We’ll go way back to February 9, 1992. I played disc golf in
A couple of days later I called and we decided to go to a movie. I was trying to impress her. So I actually went to see
I asked if she wanted to go with me to my Grandmothers 75th Birthday party. I don’t think she was expecting the type of parties that my family has. We had a great time and all was good. She was kind of busy with college graduation, and I don’t think we spoke much in April. I did help her move back from college, and she told me she was starting to work in far from where I worked. We agreed to carpool together. This is where the trouble started.
Carpooling isn’t always the most pleasant thing in the world. You see each other everyday, and we stopped dating for the most part. We went to a couple of concerts (Grateful Dead, U2, and Springsteen) but I think we got sick of each other. And things weren’t too great on my home front at that time anyway. So we kind of grew apart. She wanted to date people out of the college scene, and I was looking for a relationship. We still talked occasionally, but didn’t date each other.
Over the course of 1993-1994 we still remained friends, but the carpool ended and I moved out of my Mothers house. In 1995 Teri and I moved in together and eventually bought our first place, a townhouse in Millersville. Heather helped me move into the townhouse. The condominium that Teri and I moved from was owned by my friends Dave and Cindy. Heather wanted to move out of her parents’ house, and a deal was brokered where Heather moved in. I helped her to do so.
Heather was working a
After we both married, we all went out ‘double date style’ a bunch of times and started celebrating New Years together. We became pretty good buddies to talk about life and all the stuff marriage brings and changes. It’s good to have someone who you can ‘compare notes’ with on being married. We also continued to take in a couple of concerts each year together (Def Leppard,
In 2002, Springsteen came out with The Rising CD and tour that followed. After watching a couple of the fan based videos that were made, I complained on some of the Springsteen message boards. I was told in so many words “…if you don’t like it, film it yourself…” In July 1, 2003, I was laid off from Cambridge Positioning Systems with a nice severance package (basically, 3 months pay). This gave me time to find a job, and new hobbies. Springsteen was going to start the stadium portion of The Rising Tour at Giants Stadium in
With video camera in hand, it was off to
We began at the opening show in
Heather and I shared a joke: A good friend will bail you out of jail. A great friend will be sitting in jail with you saying, “…man that was fun!” On the way out we turned to each other and said, “Man, that was fun!” The next day we followed the tour to Cleveland, then Orlando the following weekend. Both Cleveland and Orlando turned out pretty decent. The VFC tour wrapped up 10/11/2004 at the
In 2005 Heather became interested in the
Most recently Heather is trying to figure out what life is all about and what she wants to do. I’m here to support her in which ever endeavor that she chooses, and we’ll just take it a day at a time.