Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Going to the gym

In October, Teri and I joined LA Fitness.  Both of us had been feeling fat.  I had no idea that how to workout, since I had never done it before.  So we have been going to the gym since October. Neither of us have lost any weight, but we both seem to be feeling better.  The biggest problem is that we haven't changed our diets.  In fact it may have gotten worse as we seem to be rushing around a lot and actually eat more fast food.  We need to fix this.  It will be easier in the summer, I hope.

Monday, January 02, 2012

I made the news...

I appeared in the Severn Patch about the Leaf.
Severn Patch artile about the Leaf

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and so far so good.  The Ravens won the last game of the season, which made them the number 2 seed in the AFC.

I finally have my Leaf!  I've posted a few times about it but it's finally here!
This is an all electric car, no gas or oil. The charger is also there.
Last Friday (12/30) my brother, sister and brother-in-law all went to Delaware Park.  I played in 3 tournaments and cashed in the last one.  While I ended up getting home real late, I'm glad I cashed, I needed it.  Now that I don't play on-line any longer, its easy to loose the skills.  I February I start back playing at Ft. Meade once a week, so that will help.