The accessories began arriving for the new phone, an LG CU500. The first two things to arrive were the belt pouch for the phone, can't go wrong there, and the 2GB micro SD memory card. The memory card is necessary to store pictures for this blog and some MP3 tunes. As it turns out, the CU500 doesn't recognize the memory card. I called Cingular (the new AT&T...sic). After about 15 minutes, they decided that the phone doesn't recognize a 2GB card (it's suppose to). I demanded a software update!
The software update won't happen. But they did give me a $120 credit to buy 2 over priced, 512MB, memory cards. They credited my account for the money. While looking at my account I noticed another $35 charge that I wasn't use I called back about this. They credited this to my account also. So I am actually in the black with Cingular this month.
I found a 1GB SanDisk card on eBay for $21 delivered. I still have the 2 GB which works fine. All in all, a decent day.
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