My thoughts on Catalyst and R1. I listened to the Catalyst audio book as you did. I agree with Jen on a lot of points that she made in her overview of the book. A bunch of new places and planets that should a lot like the places that we are familiar. This seems like laziness on the part of the author. Another peeve I have about the books lately is that a lot of the people and places have a random letter change for no apparent reason. Don’t you think so JYN (Jen)? But I digress.
It was helpful to have an introduction to the new characters before seeing R1. But while listening to the book it was not real enjoyable. Krennic just couldn’t get his act together and he was trying to accomplish tasks way above his paygrade. He started out in the book as a Lt. Commander, and did anything he could to make full Commander. In today’s military it’s usually a given that you will get this promotion if you listen to your superiors and stay out of trouble. Then he wanted to jump from Commander to Rear Admiral. There is a rank called Captain in between. It’s great that he is ambitious in his career, but he could have done it a lot easier.
Now moving on to R1. The rebellion busts Jyn out of jail to ask her where Dad is. She doesn’t know. How about step-Dad? I don’t know either, he dumped me about 5 years ago. (Hey Jyn, maybe it’s you. JK…) Can you get us into see him? Did you try sending an e-mail or text instead of dragging me all around the galaxy? Or don’t we have this thing called a hologram? That might work too. Na, get the frequent flyer miles. Off to Jedha (Jedi named after this planet?) we go.
For no apparent reason, but to torcher the Pilot, because Saw thinks he’s lying about something, put him in with the mind sucking octopus. When the only thing the Piot wants to do is deliver a thumb drive and go on his way. But NOOOOO! Saw don’t play like that! Apparently this thing messes up your brain…for 10 minutes.
Reunion time! Jyn and Saw get together!
Saw: Did YOU…. Come…. to kill me?
Jyn: No. But you should be concerned about that great big battle station in orbit.
Saw: I have a message from your Dad. Watch it right here in front of me.
Jyn: Can I get the thumb drive and watch it back on my ship? You know, the whole battle station thing?
Saw: No, watch it here so we can cry together.
Jyn: Okay…..
While it was a tense battle and we almost got blown up, let’s go get Dad. Will we need to break in and bust him out? Maybe we’ll get lucky and he will be standing around in the rain. Okay, more frequent flyer miles! One more cross galaxy trip and I’ll have enough for a vacation on Alderaan!
Meanwhile, Krennic gets some facetime with Darth. Not really sure why he needed to see Darth face-to-face, but the Empire has money to splurge! Maybe Darth can give some advice on his ambitions career goals. ACK! *chock* *cough* That didn’t go as well as expected… I think I’ll go check on the guy who built the super laser.
Amazingly everyone shows up at the same place at the same time again. Let’s go get Galen and take him back. Look, he’s standing out in the rain for no apparent reason. It should be easy to shoot him. We have a bad cell signal, I hope they don’t send a squadron of star fighters and blow up the place. Opps… They killed Dad!
Back to Yavin 4 with a new box (ship). People really should take their keys with them when they get out of the car. Jyn figures everyone will believe her, she has no dog in this fight, why wouldn’t they? Not the case. Mon Mothma as usual can’t make a strong decision. Who do we see at the meeting? None other than Bail Organa who is hob-knobbing with the Alliance counsel. Then it’s time to head back home. Do you guys want me to bring you back anything from Alderaan? Salt water taffy? Chocolates? We have another meeting next standard month right?
Well the counsel won’t save the galaxy, so let’s take matters in our own hands! Again, left the keys in the car. With a dozen buddies and stolen guns, it’s off to the beach! They get an idea of luring some Imperial troops onto the ship and stealing their uniforms to sneak around the base. I wonder if anyone will try to do this again in say a week on the Death Star?
Again, Krennic needs to go to the exact same place as our heroes. Instead of sneaking around the base, they decide it’s a good idea to alert the whole place that they are they by blowing up stuff. Nothing actually valuable, but just enough to be annoying and announce their presence, instead of sneaking in, getting the plans, and leaving. And Krennic is the only person to notice that stuff is blowing up. Then he is told that the archives is being broken into.
Since the other 10,000 troops are busy taking care of the dozen rebels. Krennic has to save his own butt. Since Stormtroopers can’t shoot straight, it’s up to Krennic. But Jyn manages to steal the hard drive that contains the plans to the Death Star. She decides that instead of just getting off planet with the whole thing she will transmit the plans. Which causes its own problems. She manages to transmit the plans and her boy-toy shoots Krennic.
By this time, the Empire decides to wrap up this mess and blow up the tower. In the last 5 minutes of the movie all of the loose ends are tied up and everybody that we just spent two hours getting to know, dies.