Saturday, March 11, 2017

It's been a long time!

It's been nearly five years since I've posted an update. The reason I'm posting again is that I have received some feedback from you, the reader. It's time to make a few posts and  bring everyone up to date on The Show!

While things have continued to make progress in life, nothing major has changed. I have seen a bunch of concerts in the past five years, I still play a poker when I can, both kids are still healthy and happy, and still have most of the same friends. And amazingly, I still have the same job.

All this being said, I have made progress in a lot of areas. I've won some decent poker tournaments. I've been to a lot of concerts, nothing really crazy but a lot of the familiar musicians. The kids are now going to school full time and play organized sports (soccer and baseball). They are doing great in both!

I'm going to post the updates split over the years as this is probably the best way to do it. Certain events will have their own post, but for the most part I'll fill in the years to bring it all up to date.


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