Sunday, August 05, 2007

Virgin Festival 2007 - The People

And now, the people who were at the show.
As usual it was a very peaceful show. Back in the day, folk would get drunk and fight, not the case any more. Kind of in a boring way. Most of the people at the show were young (18-25) or were there with their kids. The geezers had to see the geezer acts of Cheap Trick and The Police. And if you ask the geezers, all the other acts sucked.

Street Acts
Outside of the bands on stage, there was a lot of entertainment off the stage. Anything from people promoting their various social causes, to people just promoting their self.

Young Girls

It was a hot day, and this encouraged the girls to show a lot of skin. But now a day, they don’t flash the bands any more, which is disappointing to the rest of us.

Illicit Activity
And with any festival since Woodstock, there was a fair share of drugs. Mostly pot, but I am sure a few were taking other things. I'm not judging, I'm just reporting. Some people were more then happy to allow for a photo or two.

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