Life at Forty
On August 16, 2007, I turned 40. If you didn't send greetings or gifts, I accept belated of both. I remember way back when I started working professionally the signs that would go up on the bulletin boards once in a while, “Lordy, Lordy, look who’s 40” and “Come and celebrate …’s big 4-0!” From that point on I guess I always thought turning 40 would be a momentous occasion. Your friends would all make a big deal about it, it would be a great time, etc. My birthday was nothing like this. I did take the day off of work (hoping for something, anything…). I harvested from the garden in the morning, updated the blog, poked around the house. I then rented a trench digging machine from Home Depot, dug a trench with my brothers assistance (running electric to the shed), picked up Teri from the airport, returned the trencher, eat a pizza, and went to bed. This basically sums up how boring my life is. But really I should reflect on a few points in my world.
Last year when I was laid off, it really through me for a loop. I had become complacent and really turned into the King of the Meeting. I could run a meeting, take proper notes, follow up, plan the next meeting, and start all over again. None of these skills are particularly helpful when looking for a job. I also discovered that I probably have too much experience than anyone wants to pay me for. This happens when you have worked in the IT industry as long as I have and doing as many different things that I have done. Fortunately, I was able to find a job that paid the mortgage, and then one that allows me to pay the bills and stay close to home. But I did learn from this, and feel that going forward; I’ll have a more productive career. My brother gave me news tonight that he is starting a new job Monday. I'm really happy to hear this, I was concerned that he may have trouble finding something. We spoke about the mistakes that we made at previous jobs and how we can improve at our new jobs. I think things will work out fine.
I think somewhere in your 20's you find something that entertains you, and decide from that point on that this is what makes you happy. So unless it is substance abuse, or something really socially unacceptable, you will continue to do this thing to find happiness. For me, concerts, and baseball games have been a source of entertainment. And from the previous posts, you can see that I do this a lot. And will continue to. It's actually kind of a burden for a lot of events, but it's the closest thing to social enjoyment that I can find.
Over the past year or so, I have had some close friends go through divorce and separation. It seems that happens a lot when you have been with someone a while, and now a day, you grow apart. The reasons that my friends have parted seems to be similar, the relationship was a certain way early on, but now, there doesn't seem to be anything keeping you together. The flame has burned out. Other interests have arrived. You want something new. It's grown stale.
I try to be the best friend that I can when my friends have trouble. Sometimes I don't know what to say, sometimes I say stupid things, but I try to stick with them throughout and hopefully learn something about my friends, and about myself.
I use to think that it was just selfish for people to break up when they think they found a better mate. I'm not sure anymore. It takes a lot of guts to make big changes in your life like this, and sometimes it's necessary to take a leap of faith.
As time goes by I've discovered that it's not a bad thing to have family physically near by. Last weekend we had a gathering at my sister's house. As you can see from the picture, it was a decent turn out. Not everyone could make it, but those who did, seemed to enjoy their selves. I passed out a couple of invites to the party on 9/2, we'll see who shows up.
My sister Cindy is coordinating the baby shower for Teri, which should be good too. Not all sister-in-laws will do this.

So...what's your point?
I'm not sure I have a point. I make observations and find humor in the world. Life could have been better if I had made millions of dollars in the dot com era. But life could have been a lot worse too. I'm sure the new baby has surprises that I can't even image at this point, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I've wondered from time to time if I shouldn't have made major relationship changes in my life. I think at this point, I am 51% happy with my life. If someone is 100% happy, they are either Hugh Heffner or an idiot and not trying.
The next year will be challenging and interesting. I hope that I can keep expanding my horizons and learn new things about the world and life.
Happy Birthday to Me!!
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