Tonight was the first of many concerts of the summer, RUSH!! They were great! Attached are a few pictures of the band and you can see where I sat from one of them. Chris, Paul and I went. Kind of a guys night out. Chirs wasn't the biggest Rush fan, but he got in cheap and had a good time.
I usually don't buy the swag, but tonight I did. I bought a polo-type collared shirt, and a jacket that is pretty cool! The setlist is below. This is probably the most unusual Rush show that I have been to in recent memory. While they did songs from the older catalog, these are really deep tracks from various albums. But it made for an interesting show. Some of the 'old' fans wanted to hear '2112' and didn't know that they did 'Summertime Blues' on their latest cover album, I like the changes. Here is the setlist, you judge for yourself. You will probably have to go to you Rush catalog to figure out exactly where the songs came from.
Digital Man
Entre Nous
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between The Wheels
Far Cry
Workin' Them Angels
Armor And Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Drum Solo
Summertime Blues
The Spirit Of Radio
Tom Sawyer (Before the song played there was a hilarious South Park short, I hope to find it soon, but it was to die for!)
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
Paul and I sat together and knew the setlist. We left in the middle of YYZ to beat the traffic. It worked out phenomenal! We were home in an hour. It's not surprising to normally wait an hour to get off the lot if you plan poorly. Anyway, Chris meet us back at the mini-van. When I got in he handed me $10 and said, "I sold your opening night show to some guy." Cool! I have it sitting on the computer at home. Let's find a couple dozen other folk to sell this stuff too.
That's enough for now. But so far so good with the concerts this summer!
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