Monday, June 11, 2007

Since our last episode...

Everything is going pretty good. Since my last update I’ve attended another baseball game, Teri went to North Carolina, we decided to get a shed, the garden continues to grow, Heather’s nephew died in a car crash, I wrapped up the users group season, have made progress on going to the concerts mentioned below, the Sopranos series ended, and that’s the highlights. If this doesn’t very interesting, you can stop reading now.

Teri went to NC

Every year Teri attends an annual conference of software that she works with. It is held in Cary, NC. This is where the company has its headquarters. She always enjoys going there. And I noticed that it is the 3rd safest city in the country. I’ll let her comment if she wants to. With her gone, I had to hold the fort down. It worked out fine. No incidents and Gram and I made out fine.


The day before Teri left for NC, her father, Teri and I went to Westminster to look at outdoor sheds. This basically took up all of Saturday, June 2. In the end the place we went to look at the sheds was stuck on their price and wouldn’t budge. I can’t deal with people like that. I found another place on-line, (free plug) . The delivered price saves me about $1000. I’m glad I didn’t go with the other place. Below is basically what it will look like. I can’t wait to get it! It will take a little while and won’t be here until August.


The garden continues to grow very well. Below are a couple of pictures that you can really see the growth over just a couple of weeks.


For about the past month I have been very disappointed in the ending of various movies and TV shows. Spiderman 3 had a horrible ending. The put all of this effort in the Venom character to have all of 5 minutes of screen time. Venom is killed off and he was the most interesting character of the movie. Kind of like Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I. Then came the Heroes finale. What a lame ending! Finally, The Sopranos was just stupid. “We’ll leave it up to the audience to figure it out…” It’s a show! You tell us what happen!

Users Group

The Chesapeake PC Users Group is on our summer break. And I’m glad we are. I can use the break from the meetings and everything for a couple of months. The meeting ended on a high note. We showed some of the computers that were built last month and talked about that technology. We also discussed more freeware programs and anti-virus software. All in all, a pretty good meeting.

More Baseball

With Teri out of town, I had to find someone else to go to the baseball game. My neighbor Jay was the lucky duck. The game was going along and between one of the innings they have this thing called a Kiss Cam. Basically a camera goes around the stadium and shows couples kissing. You always see the sweet old couple, the nervous kids on a first date, etc. Well tonight we saw a guy sitting next to two girls. The camera was on them, the girl sitting next to the guy noticed, jumped up...and laid a big smooch on the GIRL sitting beside her. This got all of the guys at the game to cheer for more! I don't think we'll see that promotion again.

Heather’s nephew passed…

I always hate to hear about these things, and when it happens to someone I know, I really don’t like it. But Heather’s nephew died last week in a car crash. He was only 20. R.I.P.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re the note about Heather's nephew...did he live near her or you? What was his name? Where was the accident? Auto? Let us know the details. You are beginning to act like the details or ending.
Your Mother