I've always thought of having my own TV show. I will loose a paper journal, so this is my way of keeping track of all the wacky things that happen to and around me. Enjoy!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
I'm not getting sappy... This was a baby bunny that was in the yard. I thought he was cute and took his picture. Now if he grows up and eats the garden, then we will have issues.
First summer concert...RUSH!!!

Tonight was the first of many concerts of the summer, RUSH!! They were great! Attached are a few pictures of the band and you can see where I sat from one of them. Chris, Paul and I went. Kind of a guys night out. Chirs wasn't the biggest Rush fan, but he got in cheap and had a good time.
I usually don't buy the swag, but tonight I did. I bought a polo-type collared shirt, and a jacket that is pretty cool! The setlist is below. This is probably the most unusual Rush show that I have been to in recent memory. While they did songs from the older catalog, these are really deep tracks from various albums. But it made for an interesting show. Some of the 'old' fans wanted to hear '2112' and didn't know that they did 'Summertime Blues' on their latest cover album, I like the changes. Here is the setlist, you judge for yourself. You will probably have to go to you Rush catalog to figure out exactly where the songs came from.
Digital Man
Entre Nous
The Main Monkey Business
The Larger Bowl
Secret Touch
Between The Wheels
Far Cry
Workin' Them Angels
Armor And Sword
The Way The Wind Blows
Natural Science
Witch Hunt
Drum Solo
Summertime Blues
The Spirit Of Radio
Tom Sawyer (Before the song played there was a hilarious South Park short, I hope to find it soon, but it was to die for!)
One Little Victory
A Passage to Bangkok
Paul and I sat together and knew the setlist. We left in the middle of YYZ to beat the traffic. It worked out phenomenal! We were home in an hour. It's not surprising to normally wait an hour to get off the lot if you plan poorly. Anyway, Chris meet us back at the mini-van. When I got in he handed me $10 and said, "I sold your opening night show to some guy." Cool! I have it sitting on the computer at home. Let's find a couple dozen other folk to sell this stuff too.
That's enough for now. But so far so good with the concerts this summer!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
...this week
The blog isn't updated in a couple of weeks... But there is always a little something...
I continue to settle into a routine at work. I am the only one in our group with a security clearance and thus have my own little kingdom to manage. It can be a lot of pressure, but over all its not too bad, and it seems to be some job security. I am also meeting different people that are outside of work. Legal Seafood is a couple of blocks away from the office and I go there for lunch 2-3 times a week. I'm starting to be one of the regulars. I usually sit at the bar simply to expedite the order process. Most of the bar staff know what I want. so I don't need to wait too long. The one bar-maid (Natansi or Natasha, something like that) and I get along pretty well. She's attractive,(even if she does have the 'over tanned' look, I'll get a picture) but I think she's a lesbian. She makes references to her female friends, as in really good friends, frequently. I noticed that some other regulars are gay. It doesn't bother me, it's just an observation.
And there are various people on the train too. Last week I sat next to a woman who just moved here from Dallas. It was around 5:00pm, she was going to meet her Aunt in Baltimore, and was drunk off her ass. And kind of chatty too! It takes all kind I guess.
Baby stuff
Last weekend Teri and I got up and went Yard Saleing for baby stuff. Those yard sale people are NUTS! They drive like maniacs trying to get to every yard sale, and they can't drive to start with. We did get a stroller-car seat combo, baby swing, and a bunch of clothes. Neither one of us have a clue about this stuff. We stood in these folks driveway for a minute just standing there, not sure what to do, they finally asked, "Can I help you?" We got home with this stuff and the dog is smelling everything we bring into the door like, "What the hell is this shit?" (my dog has a foul mouth) Gram was real excited about the baby stuff. She found the ad for the yardsale in the Penny-saver the week before.
Yes the garden continues to grow well. I am picking cucumbers, and some squash now. I'll get some pictures up soon. Sunday we'll have enough for a family meal of veggies.
Last weekend we switch from Millennium Digital Media (MDM) to Comcast. I've been holding out for a long time, thinking one is the same as the other. I was WRONG! MDM has about 10 HD channels. Comcast has about 30! The Internet access with MDM is technically broadband, but it was just terrible (lots of reloaded pages, taking forever waiting for e-mail, etc). With Comcast, everything just pops up and e-mail flies down! This probably sounds geeky, but this is what Broadband is suppose to be! It made my weekend.
Monday, June 11, 2007
With the Soprnos in mind...
His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place.
It was assumed that a deaf bookkeeper would not hear anything that he might have to testify about in court.
When the Godfather goes to confront the bookkeeper about his missing $10 million, he brings along his attorney, who knows sign language.
The Godfather tells the lawyer "Ask him where the 10 million bucks he embezzled from me is".
The attorney, using sign language, asks the bookkeeper.
The bookkeeper signs back: "I don't know what you are talking about."
The attorney tells the Godfather: "He says he doesn't know what you're talking about."
The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to the bookkeeper's temple and says, "Ask him again!"
The attorney signs to the bookkeeper: "He'll kill you if you don't tell him!"
The bookkeeper signs back: "OK! You win! The money is in a brown
briefcase, buried behind the shed in my cousin Enzo's backyard in Queens!"
The Godfather asks the attorney: "Well, what'd he say?"
The attorney replies: "He says you don't have the guts to pull the trigger."
Since our last episode...
Teri went to NC
Every year Teri attends an annual conference of software that she works with. It is held in
The day before Teri left for NC, her father, Teri and I went to
The garden continues to grow very well. Below are a couple of pictures that you can really see the growth over just a couple of weeks.
For about the past month I have been very disappointed in the ending of various movies and TV shows. Spiderman 3 had a horrible ending. The put all of this effort in the Venom character to have all of 5 minutes of screen time. Venom is killed off and he was the most interesting character of the movie. Kind of like Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I. Then came the Heroes finale. What a lame ending! Finally, The Sopranos was just stupid. “We’ll leave it up to the audience to figure it out…” It’s a show! You tell us what happen!
Users Group
The Chesapeake PC Users Group is on our summer break. And I’m glad we are. I can use the break from the meetings and everything for a couple of months. The meeting ended on a high note. We showed some of the computers that were built last month and talked about that technology. We also discussed more freeware programs and anti-virus software. All in all, a pretty good meeting.
With Teri out of town, I had to find someone else to go to the baseball game. My neighbor Jay was the lucky duck. The game was going along and between one of the innings they have this thing called a Kiss Cam. Basically a camera goes around the stadium and shows couples kissing. You always see the sweet old couple, the nervous kids on a first date, etc. Well tonight we saw a guy sitting next to two girls. The camera was on them, the girl sitting next to the guy noticed, jumped up...and laid a big smooch on the GIRL sitting beside her. This got all of the guys at the game to cheer for more! I don't think we'll see that promotion again.
Heather’s nephew passed…
I always hate to hear about these things, and when it happens to someone I know, I really don’t like it. But Heather’s nephew died last week in a car crash. He was only 20. R.I.P.