June 23: RUSH at the Nissan Pavilion. The Donk got tickets and Chris wants to hop on the ride down to the show with us. Chris will probably end up with better tickets and pay well under face.

As I labeled this in an e-mail: GEEZ-FEST!
Yes, finally the Geezer show that you have been waiting for! These bands wouldn’t sell out a state fair alone, but they will be all together for one BIG NIGHT!

Baltimore Arena (1st Mariner Arena,
Assuming I recover from the Geez-Fest, the next day it is off to Wilmington, DE for the opening night of the Counting Crows show on July 22.

If it was just the Counting Crows, I wouldn't go through much trouble, but this is a 3 band lineup. Along with the Crows, Live and Collective Soul will also be on the bill. I will actually take in a couple more Crows shows on this tour. On August 14 and 15 they will be playing a couple of other minor league ball parks in Aberdeen and Frederick, MD. This should also be interesting too since I will probably train it to the shows right after work.
Last September, I bought tickets and had all intentions of going to the Virgin Fest show. Unfortunately, my appendix gave out earlier in the week and I didn't make it. But this year, I am on for the August 4 show.

Austin City Limits Music Festival - I really want to go to this show. I probably won't pick up tickets until I get there (or shortly before) and I will need to get things straight with stuff at work. But of all of the show, this is the one that I would like to see the most!

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