Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Starting off the year

January has been about average temperature wise, which basically means cold. Not so cold where everything was frozen over all the time, but cold enough so that you can’t do much outside. Thus this leads to a lot of indoor time.
The adjustment continues with Rebecca. Overall things are fine, just learning to adjust the time it takes to do things. It’s a simple idea to just run up to the store, but warming up the car, getting Rebecca set up, making sure everything is in the diaper bag, etc. It takes a lot more time then it use to. It’s hard to explain.
Family Visit
My Mother called me on 1/13 telling me that my sister Mary had unexpectedly popped into town. She was on her way to visit her friend Amy in Gettysburg, PA. She would stop in on the way out of town. On 1/19 she came by and visited with the baby. Little did I know, she had been corresponding with Heather, although they had never met in person. Heather came over also and we all sat around a chatted a while.
It turns out that Amy was a ‘Born Again’ and tried to sell it on Mary. Mary respected her, but it just didn’t work out. Bust Mary got some funny stories out of it how wacky these people are, and how they want religion to run their lives.
Child Care
Teri has been making arrangements on where the baby would go while she was at work. I thought everything was all set. Apparently I was mistaken. On 1/17 she got a call from the woman who was to provide daycare. She was going to have to back out. Apparently the person, who was going to leave, didn’t. Teri had a melt down. She called me at work crying about the whole ordeal. We started the whole interview process over again.
In the end, we have 2 part time providers. On Monday, Tuesday, and Friday we take her to this place off of Telegraph Road. It looks like I will drop off and Teri will pick up. On Wednesday and Thursday we will take her to the place we were originally going to go. The woman is pretty decent and is willing to help us out until we find a permanent place.
Sick Time
So on top of the whole child care dilemma, illness ran through the house. Rebecca had a little cold, then Teri and finally me. I ended up taking off work 3 days to recover. I’m over it now, but I was a mess for a while.

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