Happy New Year! (I guess) I was planning to have a quiet day on New Years Eve, but Teri tells me that her Dad is coming over to buy lumber to build a shelf in the rafters of the shed. I wish she would have ran this by me. I got over it. Teri and her Dad mostly did the work building the shelf. At the end of the day I'm glad it was done, but it would have been nice to discuss this before we bought the wood and built the thing.
So the day turned into the night. It ended up with the neighbors, Jay and Karen, came over. We played a game of Monopoly, watched the Ball drop, and said good night. New Year's Day started normal enough, did stuff around the house, but basically nothing major. Walked the dog at the park, while there Heather called and we chatted a while. She had called home, missed me, and called me on the cell phone. Nothing unusual, she was going to come over and see the baby but got tied up with some other things. I went home and got dinner underway.
Dinner was coming along fine, Gram was watching the baby, Teri got tiered and laid down while I prepared things. Gram decided that she wanted to go back to her room (from the kitchen). She was back there a while when she asked if Teri was available and she wanted to talk to Teri. They were talking for a few minutes and the conversation sounded strange and I went to see what was going on.
Apparently Gram thought Heather and Jim had come over and sneaked into the house while Teri went up stairs. When Teri told her this didn't happen, she was animate that it did happen. She had called my sister to talk to her about it. And had gone into detail about what they were wearing, the vehicle they were driving, everything! But they were not there, had not been there in weeks.
Teri took Grams blood pressure, it wouldn't register on the meter. We gave her some medication, that didn't help things. Teri called my sister, Cindy, and explained the situation. My sister thought they were there too from Gram's description. After about 10 minutes, we called the ambulance. The paramedics arrived and they had different equipment and were able to get a very high BP measurement. They took her to the hospital. Teri stayed with the baby, which meant I went to the hospital.
My sister meet me there. They did tests and couldn't find anything obviously wrong and admitted her for observation. I finally went home at 3:00am.
The next day, January 2. Things seemed to go better with Gram. Her BP was under control and she was eating well in the hospital. Cindy visited her and Gram seemed in pretty good spirits. Teri called me and told me about this. Also Teri had a doctors appointment and there seemed to be something wrong with her breast. It may not be anything, but the doctor sent her for a follow up exam and appointment next week, I hope it's nothing serious.
To top things off, the dog got lonely and decided to go look for Gram, and wandered off. The neighbor farthest from us called and said he was over there. Teri went and got him.
So that was my day!