On September 25, Teri and I are off to see Bruce on his home turf in Asbury Park. I wanted to take Teri as she won't be able to make any shows later this year with the baby either being so close or already here. The drive up went fine and I met the folks that I had planned to exchange my floor seats with regular seats. All in all it worked out fine. To this point.
Once inside we discovered that the tickets that they gave me were actually seats, not GA as I was told on the phone. We got these swapped after a little delay, and everything worked out fine. But then there was the heat! I knew from Donk, who went the night before, that it was hot, but it was MISERABLE! Luckily we had seats near an exit, and were able to take a couple breaks, but it was really bad for Teri. In the end, everything worked out okay.
The other thing that was really annoying was that the security guards were VERY over zealous in their attempt to keep people from using their cell phones... Get with the 21st century people! Documenting an experience with a cell phone is what people do! It became really distracting during the show with these guys running up and down the aisle being the cell phone cops.
As for the show itself, the setlist was a little rough, and the heat really put a damper on having as much fun as I like to have at a show. Here are a couple pictures.

And finally, the setlist from the evening.
Radio Nowhere
Prove It All Night
Lonesome Day
Gypsy Biker
She's The One
Living In The Future
The Promised Land
Town Called heartbreak
Darlington County
Born in the USA
Devil's Arcade
The Rising
Last To Die
Long Walk Home
Girls in Summer Clothes
Born To Run
American Land

And finally, the setlist from the evening.
Radio Nowhere
Prove It All Night
Lonesome Day
Gypsy Biker
She's The One
Living In The Future
The Promised Land
Town Called heartbreak
Darlington County
Born in the USA
Devil's Arcade
The Rising
Last To Die
Long Walk Home
Girls in Summer Clothes
Born To Run
American Land
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