Saturday, September 15, 2007

On the Music industry...

This is the place for me to rant.
A couple of posts down I review the Magic. You maybe wondering, "How did you get a copy to review?" Basically, sources not completely legal.
With that out of the way, the whole issue needs to be addressed. The music industry is a total mess! The powers that be decided to dump the whole digital download to Apple and the iPod. But $1 per song isn't bad for 10 songs a year, and a lot of people sign up for it. Then one month they are really bored, and end up downloading 50-60 songs. BAM! A $60 bill on their credit card. This would piss off a Saint! And this person will wise up and start looking for alternative (usually illegal) ways to acquire this music. And the music industry gives you the guilt trip. If they didn't charge so much in the first place, there wouldn't be a problem.
The other thing that is stupid is the long release cycles with music. The Springsteen album was announced on August 16 for a release date of October 2. Why do they need a month and a half to get this out? I could see something like a press release on August 16 for a release on September 2. To pack and ship, 2 weeks is reasonable. Or maybe, and it will be available for download purchase on Monday...
But no, the music industry strings it out so long, and those of us who really want it, get it early. Get with the 21st Century. This is a 24/7 society and the media industries need to get it straight.
I'll get off my soapbox now.

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