Sunday, July 01, 2007

Loose ends

This week seemed to be the week of cleaning up loose ends.

I’ll start from early in the week and work forward. I use Capitol One credit card most frequently, for a couple of reasons. On the credit card it has a neat Chesapeake Bay theme; this is a good conversation piece. Secondly, and probably most importantly, the interest rate is relatively low at 7.99% if I didn’t happen to pay it off. I haven’t been using it much recently, but I was looking at the statement and noticed that my interest rate is now 12.99%. This concerned me and I called. Turns out, Capitol One claims to have raised it on all of their customers, simply to make more money. This REALLY pissed me off! So my plan, pay off the card, then each month use it only to buy a pack of gum or some small dollar item and pay this off each month. Basically this will cost them a lot more then the items actual value. Let’s see if that makes them more money.

I think the next day I received a statement from Shell (gas credit card). I have had a Shell card since the early 1990’s, but really haven’t used it in a while (I don’t even carry it with me). Thus I was surprised when I received a statement. On the statement there was one charge, a $20 annual membership fee. Shell sold their credit division to Citi and Citi started charging a membership fee. This again pissed me off. I called, went through the whole phone logon, and finally got to a person. They wanted my logon password. I never established this and told them so. I then told them my problem. They said ok, we can sign you up for this other program that has no membership fee and a lower interest rate. Sounds good to me. To sign me up they need my password. Again I explain that I never established one. The guy didn’t know what to do. I asked if I could reset my password. Yes, this can be done and we did. Then to sign up to the new program he asks, “… and my I have your password…”

A couple of weeks ago I switched to Comcast from MDM. I thought they were all the same. Comcast has about 50 HD channels and the broadband internet service is really high speed! I am loving life! I have been waiting for Teri to change her e-mail and this week she finally did. I took the digital boxes and cable modem back to MDM and closed the book on that mess. As it turns out, Verizon may be coming to my neighborhood soon, so I may switch again. But for now, life is good on the cable TV service side.

Finally, I turned my laptop back to BAE systems. This closed the book on that job. It was a minor thing, but that is done. I enjoyed the places I went generally, but it was too much on the homestead.

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