Everybody loves the Baby! (this is a good thing)
We did receive a lot for the baby. From some unexpected sources too. Mostly everyone in the family gave Rebecca a gift of some sort, the folks in the Users Group got together and we got some bonds from them (completely unexpected), neighbors gave her gifts, and we received gifts from people from out of state. Granted, Rebecca won't realize how lucky she is, but I sure appreciate everyone's support!
Various parties and gatherings
The first party of the season was November 28 with the Users Group Board of Directors. We got together at the Fisherman's Inn at Kent Narrows. Everything went pretty well, everyone enjoyed themselves.
The next thing that happened was on December 1. This was the video shoot of the David Wayne Band (see other entry).
On the 12th I had my usual users group meeting and this was our Christmas Party. I brought Teri and Rebecca this year. Everyone was very nice to Teri and Rebecca (I wouldn't expect any different). Everyone had a good time, except Teri who eat something that upset her stomach and she had to excuse herself from a lot of the meeting.
Heather's birthday is on December 7, but with everything else going on, we didn't get together until December 20. We had a nice dinner, and had a good time.
The next night, 12/21, Teri, Rebecca, and I went to Mike Regementi's Christmas Party. This we a good time and meet a lot of people we didn't know. It was also the first time we took Rebecca into a new social situation. I think everything worked out pretty well. Teri had to nurse for a little while, but this worked out fine. Everyone accommodated her and everyone was very nice.
Which brings me to the annual Young Family Christmas Eve gathering! There were some members of the family who hadn't seen Rebecca, they saw her on this night. In short, here is a picture of everyone who made it.

Finally Christmas Day arrives! This year wasn't too much for Rebecca, but I am sure next year it will be crazy! We got up (Teri didn't sleep very well), had breakfast and dived into opening gifts. I got Teri a massage chair. She kind of knew what it was since it has been in a box in the garage for the past week. But she (and everyone who tried it) really likes it. Then it was off to Teri's parent's house.

We were running a little late, but everything worked out pretty well. We hosted dinner, and had to get back home to cook. A lot of people showed up and dinner turned out to be a real family affair. My nephew Charles and his fiance Amy, came down from New Jersey. Everyone eat well, and had a good time was had by all.
Now I have New Years to look forward to. And we'll see what 2008 brings! I'll probably post something about what happened in 2007 soon.