Thursday, April 19, 2007

Little, Big News...

It's been killing me to wait to post this, but I feel confident...
Today Teri went to the doctor, and below is a sonagram of our first child! Teri is 8 weeks, 3 days along, and everything is healthy and well. The baby is the peanut looking thing in the center of each picture.
In a few weeks she will go back for a more extensive ultrasound, and more pictures on the blog.
This probably happened for a couple reasons; unemployment, quiting fantasy baseball, and cloud cover so Teri couldn't stargaze. In any event, on or about November 21, the baby is due. At first I was hoping for a boy (still am), but seeing these pictures, it sounds like a cliche, I just hope for a healthy child!
And yes, I am OVERJOYED!!! We knew about Teri being pregnant for a couple weeks, but it all sort of hit home with the pictures and the due date. I'll probably take a job that is local (I have a couple that look very promising). That will be more fodder for a future post.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another update

I haven't posted in a little while, I'll bring you up to date...
So the trip to Nebraska went fine. It was kind of boring overall. There was a car accident (I wasn't involved) where a car crashed into my hotel. It went right into the doors on the ground floor! I took a picture, but it didn't really come out well, and you can't tell what you are looking at. But here it is.

On 4/7, Paul and I went to the movies to see The Grindhouse double-feature. It was a good time if you can take the joke. If you went looking for a cinematic masterpiece, you wouldn't really enjoy it. But if you want to laugh at movies from the '70s, it was great!
Last week (4/9-13) I went to Indianapolis, IN This was more interesting than NE. But all of the Colts stuff was kind of bothersome. I know I should just let it go, we have the Ravens now, but I couldn't help to take a few pictures. It's hard to make out, but this is the Colts Pro-shop. I stayed right downtown, and generally it was fine. But we did have some snow and it was very windy and in the 30's. I'm sick of winter.

This week I am in Columbia, SC. The weather is great (in the mid-to-upper 70's) and we are right in the middle of the University of South Carolina campus! College girls are great! I should have went to college in the south. But now I am just a PC guy...
I'll take a few pictures and share with all.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Somewhere in middle America...

I made it Nebraska. This is my first assignment on my own. On Tuesday the team was lagging a bit. I had to raise my voice a bit to let them know that I expected more done. And it actually worked for the most part. Jerri has always worked well, but I was concerned about Jay and Bill. Jay picked up the pace and did very well. I'm not sure if Bill will get it though. We finished up the install without incident in Omaha and Jay and I are in Lincoln. We got in a little early and scouted out the new place. This worked out well and we can hit the ground running Friday.
Now a song:

Omaha (by The Counting Crows)

Start tearing the old man down
Run past the heather and down to the old road
Start turning the grain into the ground
Roll a new leaf over
In the middle of the night,
there's an old man treading around in the gathered rain
Well mister, if you're going to walk on water
Could you drop a line my way?

Somewhere in middle America
Get right to the heart of matters
It's the heart that matters more
I think you better turn your ticket in
And get your money back at the door

Start threading a needle
Brush past the shuttle that slides through the cold room
Start turning the wool across the wire
Roll a new life over
In the middle of the night,
there's an old man threading his toes through a bucket of rain
Hey mister, you don't want to walk on water
You're only going to walk all over me


Start running the banner down
Drop past the color
Come up through the summer rain
Start turning the girl into the ground
Roll a new love over
In the middle of the day,
there's a young man rolling around in the earth and rain
Hey Mister, if you're going to walk on water
You know you're only going to walk all over me
